
GitLab 6 + Apache + Phusion Passenger

I’ve successfully been running an instance of GitLab for almost a year now. The same server is running Redmine, hence both GitLab and Redmine are running in their respective sub-directories. Phusion Passenger is my application server of choice. Unfortunately, it became increasingly difficult to keep this setup running with newer versions of GitLab. First, GitLab officially is not supporting running it out of a sub-directory, second, by default it uses Unicorn. Here, I want to detail my setup how you still can achieve the GitLab + Apache + Phusion Passenger combo, because I could only find slightly outdated guides online.

PyGObject 3.2.1 released

I am pleased to announce version 3.2.1 of the Python bindings for GObject. This is a maintenance release for the stable branch bringing you a couple of bug fixes.



Those darn strings

It’s long overdue, but I finally added the promised section about “How to deal with strings” to the Python GTK+3 Tutorial. It all started with bug 663610 which got me confused because with PyGObject for Python 2.x you can supply a unicode instance to a method that expects a string, although GTK+ can only deal with UTF-8 encoded 8-bit strings. However, every GTK+ method that returns a string will always be in the form of a str instance.

PyGObject 3.1.1 released

I am pleased to announce version 3.1.1 of the Python bindings for GObject. This is a bug fix release of the unstable branch, which will eventually result in the stable 3.2.x series.


sha256sum: ae6da0f95c0d6b93694191133a3b046f7811ba047e3bd5e9c13c9e6907f71515

PyGObject 3.1.0 released

I am pleased to announce version 3.1.0 of the Python bindings for GObject. This is the first release of the unstable branch, which will eventually result in the stable 3.2.x series.

It is important to point out that this release reverts the change “Convert all strings to utf-8 encoding when retrieving from TreeModel” to restore backwards compatibility. If you are using Python 2 it is recommended to always use the byte-representation of UTF-8 encoded strings (str class) instead of the unicode objects. I’m going to add a section to the Python GTK+ 3 tutorial that will explain this issue and how to deal with it in more detail.


sha256sum: a5b36eff7c4b14f161bc9ba2ae09a03ddb47d9f2c769589b8f389ae3a92cc92e

Updates to Python GTK+ 3 Tutorial

I continued working on the Python GTK+ 3 Tutorial since I announced it almost a month ago. I added a section describing the Gtk.Grid widget, menus, dialogs and Gtk.TextView, the latter just added today. In addition, I added screenshots for all examples and merged a couple of grammar/typo fixes from other people. The current contents should cover the most important widgets and should allow you to create more complex applications. Still missing are some advanced topics such as Drag-n-Drop and creating custom widgets such as CellRenderes or GObject sub-classes.

Python GTK+ 3 Tutorial

One of the big advantages of PyGTK is that it is documented very well. Unfortunately, despite the efforts to make PyGObject as compatible to PyGTK as possible, the differences are still huge. A big portion is due to the changes between GTK+ version 2 and 3, of course. To date, you basically have to look into the GIR file or C reference manual to try to figure out how things work.

GNOME DVB Daemon 0.2.3 released

I’m pleased to announce the release of GNOME DVB Daemon 0.2.3. This release fixes a couple of issue with recent versions of pygobject-3.0. Therefore, pygobject 2.90.1 or later is required. Furthermore, it is now possible to add fake devices for development purposes.


Changes since 0.2.2

  • Fixed bug where extended event description was not displayed when selecting an event in SchedulePaned
  • Use GObject instead of gobject module
  • Fixed retrieving iter pointing to start of previous day in ScheduleStore
  • Don’t bind gettext domain globally to avoid interfering with applications that import gnomedvb
  • Allow to add fake devices to settings.ini
  • Raised pygobject minimum version to 2.90.1
  • Changed order of columns in RecordingsView

The Past and The Future

The Past

I recently finished my Master thesis and can now call myself Master of Science. The thesis itself couldn’t turn out any better as it did. The goal was to implement a method that is capable to predict the relative location along the longitudinal axis of a slice of a X-ray computed tomography (CT) volume. The motivation behind this is to speed up the process when a physician wants to compare two CT volumes against each other. Usually, the patient’s data can be accessed over the network and a single CT volume can contain more than thousand images taking more than 1 GB disk space. In addition, most physicians are only interested in one particular area they want to compare. Accordingly, it would be waste of resources if one has to transfer and load two complete volumes and manually navigate to the area of interest. The methods developed in this thesis allow the physician to select the area of interest (on the longitudinal axis) in one volume and only transfer and load the corresponding area in the other volume. Obviously, you get the biggest benefit if the volume contains a large amount of images and the region of interest is relatively small.

GNOME DVB Daemon 0.2.1 released

Last Wednesday marked the 3 year anniversary of GNOME DVB Daemon, all started with this commit. 1155 commits later, I am pleased to announce version 0.2.1. This release fixes a bug that localization in the GUI did not work correctly. In addition, DVB-T brute-force scan works correctly, again.
